All purpose ground cover

(Imagine 2.9 and higher)

Make an irregular shaped mountain or whatever and make these adjustments to the attributes variables:

    R  15
    G 162
    B   6

Column One     Two
      ____    ____
       0.1     0.6
       0.2    15
       0.05  140
       0.3    15
       1       0
       4       0
       0.2     0
       0.8     0
Column One     Two
      ____    ____
       1       0
       1       0.5
       0.1    90
       0.5    90
       1       0
       4       0.6
       0.2     1
      -0.3     0
Column One     Two
      ____    ____
       0      90
       0.2    80
       0.2     0
      15       0
       0       0.2
       0       0.5
      -0.1     0.3
      -0.1     0.8

Last Update: July 13, 1995
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