Steam engine, shafts of light

(Imagine 2.9 and higher)

Try this out if you want steam, shafts of light, smoke:

Column One     Two
      ____    ____
       0       0
       0       0
       0       0
       0     255
       0     255
       0     255
       0       1
       0       3

The texture axis should have the positive part of the Z axis slightly smaller than the object. Scale the X and Y axis by 2 or 3 from their natural state.

You can animate it by rotating around the Z axis or moving along the X and Y axis.

If there are a lot of overlaping layers on the object, make sure resolve depth (preferences editor) is quite high, 9 or so, otherwise You will get black areas on the object.

You can render this in scanline.

Last Update: July 13, 1995
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